This wonderful double-purpose athletic rub should be in every home as well as every gymnasium. Used by Olympic team trainers, it relieves the pain and discomfort of tired and sore muscles, sprains and strains of muscles and joint areas, and stiffness due to over-exertion. Hoffman's Rub also aids in the treatment of lumbago, neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis, chest colds, headaches and similar painful conditions which can be alleviated by external application and massage.

A generous-sized bottle of this rich, concentrated, scientifically-blended rubbing mixture will be sent to you prepaid for only


Order from Bob Hoffman, York, Pa.



(Continued from page 49)

cleaned 300, and his training total is now over 700 lbs. Incidentally, to show you how rumors get around, one of the out-oftown guys approached Dick and congratulated him on his recent elevation in life. He had heard that Fraysher Ferguson had adopted him, and that now all Dick had to do was eat, sleep and lift weights. We understand that Dick's new name is to be McFerguson. We can testify first hand that there may be something to this deal for when Norma (Fergy's wife) recently walked into the Apollo Gym, Dick greeted her, "Hello Mom!"

The facts in the case are these: Dick is helping Fergy in the gym, a perfectly legitimate endeavor which does not interfere in the least with his AAU

BEND STAND standing; he works out three times a

The York Deep Knee Bend Stand is an essential, for in training alone you are limited to this fine exercise by the weight you can lift unassisted to your shoulders. A man can learn to deep knee bend with nearly double the weight he can place on his shoulders by himself. The more weight you handle properly in this exercise the superior the results you obtain. Heavy deep knee bends build great strength and increase your bodyweight as half the muscular bulk of the body is in the legs. Heavy deep knee bends are required to bring them to their fullest development.

York Deep Knee Bend Stands, made of heavy iron and steel. Made to last a lifetime. Moderately priced at .........


York Barbell Company


Let the Grip of Steel hand crusher grips help you in your training. All strong, virile men have powerful grips. Let your friends know that you are a real man. Pair of Hand Grips . Only $1.25

SOLID IRON DUMBELLS We can supply solid iron dumbells in the following sizes: 3-5-10-15-20-25-30-35-

40-45-50-55-65-70-75-80-85-90-95-100 pounds. Steel bars to prevent breakage are used with the larger sizes. 18 cents per lb. (F. O. B. YORK, PA.)

Yerk Athletic Supply Company



week; he eats Hoffman's Hi-Proteen; his name is still Greenawalt. And if he really wants to, he can still become the 132-lb. champion of the world (including Russia).

WE have at hand another anti-exercise book sent us by several fans. We wouldn't mention it, except that it is a clever one called EXERCISE... YES ... BUT... by Morton M. Hunt, and put out especially for General Motors employees. The fact that GMC sponsors this makes it somewhat dangerous propaganda, since they have hundreds of thousands of workers.

This booklet advises the average citizen not to exercise although pretending to be very open-minded on the subject. It quotes Dr. Darling, of Columbia, as saying: "You're physically fit if your body can get through your day's work," and another bromide by F. A. Bainbridge: "For most people, the exercise consequent upon the ordinary activities of life is sufficient."

The main thesis with which we quarrel is that the book insists that exercise has no value whatever for the body. It does nothing for you, the author insists. The only benefit of exercise is in the mind. If it makes you happy to get tired out doing exercisesthen you think it is doing you good and maybe if you think it is, it is. Sounds sort of confusing, doesn't it? The whole book is confusing.

Actually, the main reason why we exercise with barbells is because we feel so good when we stop.

Quoting from this book, "The prime medical fact is that your arteries grow old sooner than your muscles. From the age of 25 and more so from 35, they began to lose their elasticity and their ability to dilate in response to the need for increased circulation. The heart, therefore, labors harder and less efficiently in trying to get oxygen distributed to the body. The arteries of the heart itself show similar effects of age, and thereby add to the difficulties of circulation in strenuous exercise. That is why a man of 40 simply doesn't have the 'wind' of a 20-year-old, and why no amount of training can make them equals."

This is the heart of the whole problem. Regular barbell training under proper supervision, actually keeps those

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139 West 54th Street New York City, near Seventh Ave. Tele: Circle 5-8086


The ideal "T" shirt for the bodybuilder and weightlifter. Form-fitting. Made in one size. to fit any chest size. from 34 to 50. As you make gains or losses in body size, this shirt will continue to fit perfectly. Guaranteed washable. Will not shrink or stretch out of shape. Made of the finest quality "DURENE" yarns. Absolutely the finest form-fitting shirt that's made for the well built man.

COLORS: black, white, tan, dark blue, grey, yellow. ONLY $2.50 postpaid in U.S.A. CASEY ROMAY

P. O. BOX 42



arteries from hardening-no matter what the old-fashioned books say. We know many, many cases where men past 40 took up weight training and greatly improved their heart action, slowed down their normal pulse rate, and became actually "young" again. A great deal of research remains to be done in the weight field, but its effect in keeping the heart and arteries young is too well known among barbell fans to be shrugged off by a booklet like "Exercise-Yes-But-".

If you just want enough strength and energy to be able to drag through a day of button-pushing, then you can practice the idea of No-exercise-forme; but if you want to be alive and jumping, then you will do well to practice the same principle General Motors is building into all of its current carsmore Horse Power than you actually need to make driving (and living)


Is it true that your arteries age faster than your muscles? Perhaps if you kept the muscles young and pliable the arteries would be likewise. Maybe they have the cart before the horse. The big story about progrssive exercise is in the internal effect it has upon every bodily function, including the heart, the lungs, the digestive organs, the eliminative tract, and best of all, upon the blood vessels and the

circulatory system itself. That is why you do not only THINK you feel good when in training-you actually DO feel good.

But you will never get this superfeeling just playing games and doing calisthenics. You have to work out with weights and earn happiness and health by the sweat of your brow.

Over long period we have met thousands of barbell users, and one of our stock questions has been, "Why do you exercise with weights?" And the answer in most cases, has been, "because nothing else makes me feel so good!"



"She's what I concentrate on in my concentration curls!"

York Adjustable Swingbells and Dumbells


physique. It's a fine way to keep fit with less time and less energy too. With York adjustable dumbells and swingbells, the variety of good, result producing exercises which can be practiced are almost unlimited. You'll be wise if you want to better yourself physically to spend considerable training time with heavy dumbells. If you purchase one of the York combination sets you have the dumbell-swingbell combination. But, if you don't have a set now, by all means procure a set as soon as possible.

Modern dumbell training has proven to be essential in the building of great strength and shapely physiques. Without exception, all stars who appear in best built man and Mr. America contests spend a great deal of their training time with heavy dumbells. Since the inception of the York team more than 15 years ago, all of the best lifters and Mr. America winners have trained a great deal with dumbells. Moderately heavy dumbell training has proven the best way to build an outstanding York adjustable dumbells in following weights. 45 pound swingbell dumbell combination

85 pound swingbell dumbell combination

65 pound swingbell dumbell combination

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If you live in Pennsylvania, add one per cent state sales tax. Each of the sets includes a pair of solid steel 14 inch dumbell bars, and a suitable assortment of weights, ranging from 14 to 10 pounds. Revolving handles, heavy duty lock collars, a wrench and dumbell and swingbell courses. It comes to you ready for use packed in a new steel strapped box. We can make immediate deliveries.






A new and novel method of learning the difficult one hand stand is taught in the York Handbalancing Courses. You can learn this stunt in a very short time. Surprise your friends, enroll now and be the first in your club or neighborhood to do the one handstand! WHY DON'T YOU LEARN NOW? It's easy. It's healthy. It's strength building. The York Handbalancing Courses are the most complete treatise ever written on the subject. They cover everything from the theory of balancing to the most difficult of all balancing stunts.

The York Handbalancing Courses are well illustrated. There are dozens of new stunts for you to try, some easy, some hard. If you have never balanced before you will find this course interesting and easy to understand. In no time at all you will be doing the regular handstand. COMPLETE COURSE



P.O. Box 1484

York, Pa.


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